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Dancing with Danger (Aces High MC -Dakotas #1)

Dancing with Danger (Aces High MC -Dakotas #1)

Aces High MC - Dakotas Book 1


What do you do when your husband, an ex-NFL running back, is trying to have you murdered?


You get kidnapped, run, dance in questionable strip clubs, and stay under the radar while trying to survive.


That is exactly the path that I took, only in the end, it led me to a motorcycle club in the Dakotas and to a family I never knew I had. I don’t know if they can keep me safe or sane, especially after meeting their VP - Rage. I do know it’s time to stop running, and to start living again.

*Meant for adult readers, strong language, violence, and sexual situations

Dancing with Danger was the first book published in Christine Michelle’s Aces High MC World on March 4, 2018.

As of April 11, 2022, a new, extended epilogue has been added to the book. Dancing with Danger also received a new cover. This is a full-length, standalone novel in the Aces High MC - Dakotas Series.

Aces High MC - Dakotas (Series titles available now):

1 - Dancing with Danger (Charlie and Rage)

2 - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (Liza and Tango)

3 - The Restart and the Remedy (Myra and Rabbit)


Sensitive Reader Warning: sex, violence, car accident, death, murder for hire, infidelity (not by main characters), OW/OM drama, and more possible sensitive subjects/triggers. Read at your own risk!


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    Copyright © 2018 Christine M. Butler / Christine Michelle/ Anne Storm


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